Picket during European Maritime Day Conference

Written by Redactor

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In connection with the European Maritime Day Conference taking place in Gdańsk on 19 May 2011 which was attended, inter alia, Cezary Grabarczyk - Polish Minister of Infrastructure, Pál Völner - Hungarian Minister for Infrastructure, Commissioner - Maria Damanaki, Efthimios E. Mitropoulos - Secretary General of the International Maritime Organization, Mieczysław Struk - Marshal of the Pomeranian Province and Pawel Adamowicz - Mayor of Gdansk, the union held picket against the situation in the Polish maritime economy.

Polish Seafarers’ Union submitted the following postulates:

  • Immediate review of the proceedings in respect of the inland and deep sea fisheries, and to clearly define the state policy for these sectors,
  • the urgent development and practical implementation of the program for the Polish national shipping and deep sea fisheries,
  • increase spending on maritime safety, including no Service Search and Rescue and fire protection in ports.

Polish Seafarers’ Union  protested against:

  • degradation of marine and fishing fleet
  • cutting social spending,
  • lack of social dialogue in maritime transport,
  • belt-tightening policies, restrictions, and wage differential in wages in the maritime administration,
  • the way of the privatization of towing companies.

We would like to thank all PSU members for participating in the picket!

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