ETF Maritime Transport Section Baltic Committee 2012

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The last ETF Maritime Transport Section Baltic Committee Meeting took place in Gdynia from 29 to 30 May 2012. It was an honour for our union to organize and host the event.
The 47 participants representing a seafarers and dockers trade unions from Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Russia and Sweden participated in the meeting together with the ETF and ITF representatives: Jessica Fenn, Philippe Alfonso, John Canias and Remi Gelmini.
Participants discussed the campaign against both the FoC, as well as PoC system, with particular focus on standards of the level of payment and working terms and conditions in the Baltic ports.
The last year?s Week of Campaign also has been evaluated and based on such experience the preparation for this year has been made.
Furthermore information related to the ratification of the ILO Maritime Labour Convention has also been exchanged among the unions participated. After the registration of the Polish ratification, officially on 3 May 2012, and finalising the ratification process in Russia, there is still waiting for three ratifications needed for the Convention enters into force.
Also the legal issues relating to law applicable to the disputes arising in connection with claims relating to the collective agreement has been discussed. Emerging recent interpretations of employers, as well as certain decisions of the court indicates the need to monitor closely these matters.

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