Picket during European Maritime Day Conference

Written by Redactor

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In connection with the European Maritime Day Conference taking place in Gdańsk on 19 May 2011 which was attended, inter alia, Cezary Grabarczyk - Polish Minister of Infrastructure, Pál Völner - Hungarian Minister for Infrastructure, Commissioner - Maria Damanaki, Efthimios E. Mitropoulos - Secretary General of the International Maritime Organization, Mieczysław Struk - Marshal of the Pomeranian Province and Pawel Adamowicz - Mayor of Gdansk, the union held picket against the situation in the Polish maritime economy.

Read more: Picket during European Maritime Day Conference

Elections in the structures of the Trade Unions Forum

Written by Redaktor

At the end of the Congress of Trade Unions Forum (FZZ), on which in May 2010 delegates elected the Chairman and Members of the Presidium of the Union begining January 2011 began elections to authorities of regional structures such as the boards of directors and the presidium FZZ of given province. According to the electoral arrangements adopted by the Board of FZZ to provincial board election was held up by the appointment of its representatives from the trade union forming part of the FZZ in given province .
Polish Seafarers Union due to its area of operation participated in the elections to the regional structures in the two provinces - Pomorskie and Zachodniopomorskie.
Based on the election principles to provincial structures of FZZ, the PSU National Council, in the form of a resolution, designated the ten union members to Boards of FZZ in both provinces.

Read more: Elections in the structures of the Trade Unions Forum

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